Monday, January 28, 2013

One Word

I'd like you all to try something for me. Pick a word. Any word. One word, just hold in there in your mind.
I told that to myself one day and I came up, almost immediately, with the word Button. I asked my friend to think of a word I said, "Nathan! Give me a word. One word" and he replied, "Uhhh... French."
Really? French... How many different options did you have in the entire English language, and you landed on 'French'?
Me- "Nate, what were you thinking when you said french?"
Nate- "I was thinking of french fries... because I'm hungry."
He was hungry, he said French, thinking of french fries. Okay, seems logical.
Nate- "That's funny, because I don't even like french fries."
What?? He doesn't even like freaking french fries! What does that say to you?
What does my word mean? Button?? What in the world prompted me to think button? I still don't know. What word were you thinking? I'd like you to post below what word you thought, and what went through your mind while you came up with it because I'm curious. Does anybody know why button is so particular to me? Is there maybe some deep psychological test that can be run by analyzing the word 'button' and label me with how much depression I have? I don't know, maybe.
Well, until next time,


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Aaah yes. To those who were kind enough to venture to my blog, welcome. I mean thank you... and welcome. I hope what I have to say is intriguing, and I hope you feel free to post a comment should the urge arise. I don't know much about blogging, although I have had a blog in the past. It now wastes away in the abyss of the internet. I don't get offended very easily, so you can probably post whatever comments you want.

Anyway, thanks for visiting!!!