You want me to talk to you about something real?
Is this a real talk time?
Here's a lesson: Who cares??
Seriously! Who. Freaking. Cares? It doesn't matter! What's it going to matter tomorrow? In a week? In a year? What's it really gonna matter if you decide to read in front of the classroom, or if you decide to wear a bright pink shirt to school. Who cares?
Anything that is considered a "social norm" is bullshit.
They don't matter.
Why do people feel that they have to be quiet in a bathroom stall? Is it more polite? Do people really not know what's going on in there? WHO CARES?
I saw a man on the side of the road while I was driving my friend home to his house. This man was carrying a green bag in his left hand, he had a white hat on, blue jeans, your regular person, right? This man caught my interest. This man was dancing. I noticed that he had his headphones in, and he was skipping and moving his body as he walked. It was the most amazing sight I've ever seen. I looked at him, smiled and said, "That dude gets it."
He wasn't worried about what others thought of him. He didn't let the oppression of "social norms" grab him by the throat and make him 'behave'. That's what keeps us from who we are.
I strive to be like this man. Let go of everything anyone thinks and just dance down the side of the road.
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