Sunday, February 3, 2013

I am not a robot

I'm really not a robot. Don't believe me? I could sit here and just give you all a list of why I'm not a robot, but would that prove or disprove my point? If I just gave you a sound, logical list, would that only further prove that I'm a robot? I could point out that I have a beating heart, that I take in nourishment, excrete waste, and take in enough oxygen to keep my cells from dying, but to actually prove to you guys that I'm not a robot, I'm going to have to get creative.
I'm not a robot because I've had that "Oh it's just a dream" moment.
I'm not a robot because I know how others around me feel.
I'm not a robot because I've waited until the last minute to post this blog.
I'm really not a robot because I get mad about the stupidest things in the universe. TOO MUCH BACON? WHAT? I got mad about too much bacon. How stupid is that?
I laugh at the stupidest things at 2 AM.
I've had my first kiss, and it felt weird.
I've been in love, and now regret it.
I don't have a facebook profile because I think it's stupid.
I don't have twitter for the same reason.
I don't know what else I need to tell you guys to prove that I'm not a robot.
I love all who comment.



  1. This made me chuckle. The deep Throaty kind of chuckle.

    "TOO MUCH BACON? WHAT? I got mad about too much bacon. How stupid is that?"

    Keep writing.

  2. to actually prove to you guys that I'm not a robot, I'm going to have to get creative.
    i think i stole that.
